Thursday, May 24, 2007

Just a group of friends...

I'm down here in the village of Revnice, outside of Prague CZ, spending some time with a group of guys...we are encouraging each other, praying, telling jokes, watching Liverpool lose to Milan AC (unfortunately) at the local bar (actually, they played in Athens...)...Then tomorrow I fly to Geneva and meet Patrick there, and we'll bop around Annecy and our old neighborhood in Seynod and check out our fave spots, see old friends, hit the Cafe des Arts, eat a real Steack-Frites a la francaise avec salade verte, St. Felicien, little Bourgogne du Maconnais, ah les bon vieux temps!...Will be nice to say hello again to the old homeland, it will be a sort of farewell tour for Patty, who will be off to the US and college soon...We pay tribute to the land that was our home for nearly 20 years, France, the land my kids were born in and grew up more or less in...20/47ths of my life was lived there, as long as I lived in Texas, which makes for a strange mix!...Hope President Sarkozy will do a good job, bring people together, be nice to the foreigners, etc...So, Travels with Patty it is!...A bean toe...


Blogger Clairikine said...

Yay Sarkozy!

Yay Pattys and Daddys!

Say hi to Jon and kick his butt on Tony Hawk for me, please.


5:55 PM  

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