Our cell group went out bowling at the Rock n Bowl in Södermalm last night...A cool little 8-laner in the basement on Mariatorget...I love bowling!...Especially with 14 friends!...Some had never bowled before, some of us not for a while...Tried on the shoes, discussed how to throw-launch-roll the ball...Time would reveal as many different personal styles as there were people...

Yetti, always good to see her!...She will delight us with her great performance for a first-timer, and by using 14 different balls...Nnaemeka will show us a wicked curve-ball all evening...Those immunologists will surprise you!

The elation and thrill of a strike! Sasha stylin' all evening and it pays off!...One of several jumping people tonight!...

Lanes 1, 2, 3: we had 3/8 of the place for one magnificent hour!...Franco sizes the finger-holes, Margit and Ingrid, Estonian Olympic bowling champions 2004 and 2005 (not really) high-fivin'...Beth and Ike discuss strategy or perhaps why Pepsi is better than Coke...
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