Mellqvist's Caffé, Rörstrandsgatan, St. Eriksplan...On the way to work at New Life, or on the way somewhere else another day, perfect place to stop in the falling dark of end-november, for a macchiato and a warm atmosphere in this tiny café...

Rare moment when one can even
see the counter beyond the small crowd of café regulars, most standing, two or three can look out the front window, we are along the dark-wood wall with our school-room tablettes, room for an elbow and my cup...

One of the best macchiatos in the city, at the best price, a great spot!...Like to read my Kultur pages in SvD or DN, see what's on, what's "inne"...I'll meet you here anytime, come in out of the (future) slush on the icy streets, espresso and conversation in 3 languages, warm bubble of light in the Big Granite...
Hey, good seeing you keeping up the cafetarianism in sthlm when I am not around to do it... Spread the love of the macciato and the cappucino to all nations... Second most important thing , but still far far behind the number one; spreading the gospel and the old time salvation...
We shall have a melqvist afternoon when I get back.
Much love /sam
Oh! Jag älskar Stockholm!!! Snart är jag tillbaka.
Jag tänkte fråga om Beth känner till en bok som heter CAPTIVATING. Nu kommer jag inte ihåg namnet på den som har skrivit den. Den är perfekt att läsa i en kvinnogrupp iaf. Så fråga henne, snälla. Den handlar om kvinnans innersta längtan. Hade! c
Absolutely, bro Sam!...
Ska göra det, sister! Och Stockie älskar dig kan vi säkert påstå!
Stockie!Den är bra. Ha, ha...
Christin...Författaren heter Stacey Eldredge, gift med John Eldredge (Sacred Romance,alltså)..
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