November 1, 2006...Scattered snowfall in the morning, do I put on the snow-tires today?...OK, let's do it, the yearly ritual...Sun comes out, snow melts away on the asphalt, oh well...Big mama snowstorm whirls down from Northern Finland, flash-freezing the roads, catching everyone off guard...Took 1:30 to creep 400m on the E18 toward our cell-group party at 6:30, which we arrived at by 9:00, after driving backwards down the shoulder to the previous exit and taking a train in...I do love snow, though! Everywhere off the motorways was white peacefulness!...Let's hear it for Saab and Gislaved NordFrost tires!...

Earlier than we expected, we enjoy the white winter!...Pat, or the cat...
Today for an exam I translated an article on the Nov. 1st snowstorm in Stockholm Area. I was like "Ha! I was there!"
Yea, now we're back up to +10, a veritable "canicule", oh well...
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