Sergels Torg mid-december...In the late afternoon from inside Kulturhuset, all is light glass steel concrete movement traffic escalators voices magazines people TV-screens urban canyon walls chrome and leather armchairs läsesalongen café smell of espresso and books...

Free lightshow Åhléns glowing three Yule trees Julmarknad new T-bana uppgång foreign newspaper with a view tattoo humans milling on black-and-white plaza paper lanterns H & M clinking of glasses laughter...

Take off my glasses I am very nearsighted so the world suddenly looks like this who needs psychedelics when you have 350/20 vision?...

Claire's favorite spot...A free ljusutställning every time...My daughter comes to Stockholm in 2 weeks, we'll meet you at the K-huset 2nd level...PS it all looks even better with snow!......
Jättekul :D
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