Monday, December 25, 2006

The people have seen a great light...

The people who walk in darkness have seen a great light...Arise, shine! For your light has come!...

The radical proposition: That the Creator of all is a Person who loves and cares for you, is not far away unconcerned and silent, but has spoken to us, has in fact come to be one of us, set up his tent in our camp, live among us, give God a human face, Jesus of Nazareth...The Lógos of God, the Word become flesh, blood, bone and breath, giving significance to our personhood, our bodies, our lives, our experience...He is the Light that coming into the world gives light and life to all...He is here, the Light is still here, come to us as a baby in a dark garage on some anonymous backstreet behind the motel in small-town Bethelehem...The radical idea behind Christmas, after all...

He has come and He has spoken by His birth, life, death, resurrection, spoken this: I love you and I want you back!...

He has initiated the conversation, will you respond?

Merry Christmas for real, to all you friends!

En härlig och sagolik och häpnadsväckande Jul önskar jag er alla, med oändlig frid och kärlek, att ni omges av mänsklig och himmelsk värme oavsett det blir snö eller ej!...

love, studu

PS...Just went to Julotta at Österåker Kyrka at 7 am this Christmas morning...The priest read the same passage I refer to above...She walked down the center aisle of this 400 yr old church full of well-dressed families, all golden in the light of dozens of candles, holding a bundle representing a baby, saying how even the baby Immanuel was not alone in the stable but had others, human fellowship, love and warmth...Out in the icy pre-dawn afterwards, sky turning pink in the east, I felt good...God Jul !


Blogger Clairikine said...

Lógos legos!

1:16 PM  

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