Monday, February 05, 2007

God is smiling at me...

When you feel God looking at you
Is he frowning is he smiling is he maybe
Laughing at you or laughing with you
I feel God smiling at me
I imagine his face what it must look like
Sort of giant bright orange ball like the sun
Like those jovial smiling suns in esoteric bookshops
But somehow happier round cheeks and wide smile
Eyes nearly closed with wrinkles in the corners
Bright lines of joy radiating outward happy crow's-feet
Like some people do when they smile
Can't keep their eyes open invades their whole face
Like my friend Steve in France
Like the Coca-Cola Santa Claus from 1961
Like the baby sun on Teletubbies
Like my Aunt Hildur who lives in heaven with Gordon
Who see the same huge bright smiling face
I feel God smiling at me

Feeling overcomes me as this little blue train rolls on to the city
Spruce and birch and granite rock and red and yellow houses
Graffitied bridges shopping centers tunnels water sky
Feel my soul responding my soul smiling back
Inner warm glow answering huge massive love
Transferring outward to face to cheek muscles
Drawing out a smile noticeable by fellow passengers
A smile for no one in particular and for everyone in general
Somehow in this moment I can love everybody
Look out at low December sun and clouds
In orange and grey
Catch a glimpse of the lines in my own face
Seen through the smiling eyes of One who loves me
I feel God smiling at me

This is how it feels
This is how it feels
To know you are loved unconditionally
Eternally perfectly amazingly
Not for what I do how I perform
Not for what I deserve what I earn
Because of who I am
Because of who he is
The One whose shining face breaks into a big wide smile
When I walk into the room

I feel God smiling at me

When you feel God looking at you
Is he smiling?
He is smiling

-stewart, roslagsbanan dec 2006


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