
Looks like spring may be here, if so, it's early, thought I'd get in one or two more snow-shoe outings in before...But hey! Who can really complain?...Going to Malmö for a conference this weekend with many others desiring to see God spread His Kingdom across Scandinavia...On dry roads, so I took off the steel-spiked winter tires since I prefer the asphalt to stay on the road and not in the lungs of the driver behind me, where the tussilago flowers can grow along the roadway, already peeking out...We will cross Öresundsbron to Köpenhamn on Sunday to be with African brothers and sisters in worship in that great city...Bridge a hyphen between two cities, two lands...Building bridges is what we're about, in a way..."Strait" to my neighbor, across chasms and gaps and separation and barriers, making contact, meeting people in their world...
So midnight blue Saab 900 named "Svea" with 4 friends is off down the E4...
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