Now on with the Revolution from below, from within, from inside, revolution of love, the New Society, the Alternative from God, one human heart after another, pay it forward 'cause He paid it backwards and for all time, we will not try to redeem what is fundamentally corrupted from selfishness, power, and greed, we will simply show the world how It Is Supposed to Be through Christ and His message, not a sub-culture without contact with humanity, but rather a new society within society, with and among our neighbors, walls coming down with the sledgehammers and jackhammers of the Good News...OK now you got me started! Break for lunch everybody, then we meet again...
längesedan nu!
tråkigt att höra om pekka verkligen..
hoppas det är bra med er?
jag är inne på min sista termin.. galet..
mår bra funderar och klurar..
hörs kram!
sweet blog there stewart! I like the bit "paying it backwards" so true! Good pics too!
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