Sent some thug with a knife
Because you were on your way to new friends
Because you dared to break away
Tribal clan neighborhood revenge
In the name of honor
In the name of revenge for shame brought
Some twisted sense of justice
Some twisted little minds of cowards
Goon squads with knives and religion
Don't know where they are
Not back in the homeland anyway
Export their honor issues and love of a fight
Love of violence they actually like it
It makes them feel big feel powerful feel in control feel like men
What kind of community is it over there
that sends pathetic clowns with phallic weapons to attack
women on the way to be with friends
with a whole clan-neighborhood and culture who approves the act?
I. there is another community over here who will take care of you receive you love you
You belong to Something bigger called Love
Who speaks freedom to be believe change grow worship live think
Shame revenge and twisted honor nailed to a Persian instrument of execution and torture
To free goons idiots cowards thugs sinners me us all