Friday, April 13, 2007

Ahoj, or something...

I am in Prague (Prag, Praha) after 4 days in Berlin...Stayed at new friends' place in Frederichshain district of East Berlin, where the student revolts first started in 1989 leading to the downfall of the Wall...Funky, gritty, grime, you think SoFo in Stockholmtown is funky, you ain't seen it, brother!...Yet, so positive atmosphere, warm people, I guess they work together to make it all work again as they still rebuild and transform and modernize...A small church near Ostkreuz meeting and worshipping on this Eastern Easter 2007, we share about New Life Stockholm and learn their own story...Jesus lives, in East Berlin...Graffiti murals, sections of the wall and dead zone, hypermodern steel and glass archtitecture, U2s Zoo Station....An alternative arts collective in a recovered squatted building called Tacheles, with galleries, studios, metal shops, cafes, write your own message on the wall...JESUS IS RISEN!..

Praha...In the Cafe Slavia, hangout of the dissidents, the playwrights, the theater people, the future president Vaclav Havel, with our friend Mark, the most Czech of the cafe-culture, clunking trams go by....Laura has her portrait done by Ladislav on the Charles Bridge, skateboarders up on the marble plaza over the city where Stalins megalithic statue was brought down...Hey, you leaders of the world who oppress and rob and starve your own, your days are numbered, Psalm 90 says so...Freedom!...Going to help with an English camp now, up in the Czech mountains near Poland...So great to be here in this part of Europe for the first time, cruising with the family, meeting dear friends again, and missing Sweden and Nordic skies and friends and fika, but we'll be back in a few days...

Ciao for now...


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