Friday, October 27, 2006
Isdubbar, Gislaved Nord-Frost, motoruppvärmare...already?!...No not yet...Lights in windows, open curtains, take off your shoes, ta en tur runt i huset...ICA Stark Senap, Hemtex, Bibliotekskort gratis, first names of people, sill, limpa, jeans at work, nyckelharpa, Midsommarsafton, kräftkalas, clear water, harr, Vindelälven, stone churches of Roslagen, the letter Å, the letter Ä, the letter Ö, but especially Å, for some reason...the Y-sound especially when pronounced by someone from Lidingö...the Skånska R-sound, since it's easier for me...Used CD-shops...Swedish jazz...Åre...Dude, are you fixated on snow or what?...
Svenska favosaker 2...
Moose, deer, mysigt vardagsrum i någon villa i Näsby Park, Globen at night with purple light, are these Swedish things or Stockholmfavoriter, på tal...Lugna favoriter 103,3...Sametskultur, svarta Kungsholmenkaniner, Stockholm Marathon, kaffe latte à la suédoise chez Fix, Dubbel W, Thelins, Street...Macchiato hos Melkvist, Dubbel W, Gelateria...Cappuccino hos Copacabana, Sosta, Subito, Nero...Götgatan...Tubby's i somras...Folkhemmets förorter...Lycksele...Turning Torso i Malmö...Osthyveln (fast av norsk uppfinning)...öppet slättslandskap...Fjällen...Vänern, Vättern, Visby, Volvo 240 lives on and on and on...Arlanda...à suivre.........
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Svenska favosaker...
Pepparkaka ice-cream sandwiches, kardemummabullar, kardemumma-vad-som-helst, kanel, Pressbyrån, Statoil, ICA-nära, Willy's, värmeljus, SL Kort, City, Kulturhuset, Rålis, SoFo, Esbjörn Svensson Trio, Hans Dietrichson Trio, white birch, spruce, granite, Kaknästornet, KTH Biblioteket, Nockeby, snö, bicycles, Levin mandolin, det fallande mörkret, St: Eriksgatan, Saab 9-3, röda hus, lakes, Odengatan, Lilla Capri, strömming sur eller ej, Gevalia Ebony, people, people, people, E18, Finansminister med hästsvans och ring i örat, Svensk Jul, Cardigans, be continued...
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Fortfarande här alltså...
Hey! These have been busy days, boymanhowdyyessirreebobbaroonie!...Funny how 10 days just goes by like whooooosssshhh...Qu'est-ce que c'était?...Thet was ten dyes, myte!...Just got back from the ecumenical psalmsångskväll at Kungsholmen Kyrka, where I played mandolin with my good friends Mattias R (guitar, vocals) and Marient (percusso-man, the Manu Katché of Albania), with the choirs from Frälsningsarmén, St. Goran, and Kungsholmen parishes...How cool it is to have Mattias and Carina back in town!...Great old and contemporary hymns, and then our Nordic ice-bluegrass version of "Herrens nåd"...Fika with the folks we saw last year at the same event...I gotta hang out more in these Svenska Kyrkan spots, there 's people to meet and gigs to play...Missed Seb with us today, and also Jonas from the good ol' dayz...
Check out and learn about the conference we are busting rears to put together... it be goooood!
Check out and learn about the conference we are busting rears to put together... it be goooood!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Excuse me...
I seem to have misspelled the name of the Estonian Church below as "Nelipüli", when it should be "Nelipühi"...My apologies to all concerned...Hopefully, I have not accidentally insulted someone's ancestors nor affected relations between Tallinn and Åkersberga...Love, Stewart
Eesti Nelipüli Kirik again...

Ja ta on ühest ainsast teinud kogu inimkonna kõige maa peale elama ning neile seadnud ennemääratud ajad ja nende asukohtade rajad, et nad otsiksid Jumalat, kas nad teda ehk saaksid kätega kombata ja leida, ehk tema küll ei ole kaugel mitte ühestki meist; sest tema sees elame ja liigume ja oleme mei...Apostlite Teod 17 : 26-28

Monday, October 09, 2006
October in Norrö...

Shadows growing longer by the day, the sun barely making it over the top of the building opposite our kitchen, 10 C. outside...On the Roslags commuter train you don't pull down the sunshades now because it doesn't get hot in the left-hand side windows, one just enjoys the warmth on the back of the neck...Days for turning on lights and getting out the gloves...Looking for the candle-holders...Pepparkaka ice-cream sandwiches at ICA again...

Saturday, October 07, 2006
More Bowling Action !...

Bowling action at the Rock n Bowl ! ...

Friday, October 06, 2006
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Granddaddy's Buick...
Found this picture on the web....My grandfather's Buick looked like this one..It was a 1960, but forest green, seated 6 people, no seat belts, we cruised East Tennessee in it, Granddaddy giving out Pep O Mints, me no doubt picking on my little sisters, Mom wearing a pleated skirt with black and red diamond-shapes, Daddy with the reflex camera pointed out to the side...I remember a rolled-and-pleated padded green Naugahyde universe and lots of curvy glass...Back at the house in Clinton TN, Henry Mancini on the new reel-to-reel, Granddaddy's laughing at Red Skelton...Grandmama cooking some great casserole dish...Well, I'm sounding like The Wonder Years...there's a lot more where this came from...

Edsel 1958...